February 25, 2009

Today I worked on my Did you Know Notes and adding information about my Foundation Questions.

February 23, 2009

Foundation Questions

1. Who are Veterans?
2. Where can you send veterans to go to get help?
3. What kind of programs are made for veterans?
4. What kind of problems do veterans have when they come out of active duty?
5. What is the government doing to help Veterans?
6. What are the ways that Veteran organizations helping veterans?
7. What kind of benefits do veterans get?
8. What are the different ways veterans receive help?

Essential Question

How might a person who doesn't know anything about veterans, help them with their problems/struggles they are facing?
I decide that it was best to change my graduation project
i have changed it to Veteran Helping
my essential Question is
How might a normal person help veterans after they servied our country?

February 20, 2009

New Grad project Topic

I might be changing the subject of my graduation project do to the fact of me not being able to join the Marines do to Physical problems.
I do understand that i will have to redo everything i have done so far for a new topic.
but i feel its not right to do a project on something i can't really do anymore.

February 19, 2009

Today i put together my interview questions

February 17, 2009

today i worked on answering my foundation questions in a "Did You Know" set up.

February 10, 2009

Today I worked on the notes for my Foundation Questions.

February 4, 2009

today i worked on my webliography and added on one more foundation question to my list of foundation questions

February 3, 2009

Foundation Questions

1. Is it better to join the Marine Corps before, after, or during college?
2. What kind of training is there to prepare you for becoming a Marine?
3. Where do you go to too join the marines?
4. What are the different jobs you can do as a Marine officer?
5. How might you prepare yourself for the recruiting process?
6. What is the US Marine Corps.?
7. How might you prepare yourself for Marine Basic training?
8. What kind of lingo does the Marine Corps. use?

February 2, 2009

Steelers Won the Superbowl

Add ImagePittsburgh is the Superbowl champions of 2009