September 30, 2009

I finished my literature review and my self edit = D

September 21, 2009

Today I was working on my literature review and some how i got side tracked and started to write about a little boy and his ball.

September 16, 2009

I've been working on my Literature review paper. SO FAR SO GOOD! I've started to think about I'm going to talk about when I'm in front of the panel when i present my project... i don't know if that's good or not but I'm doing it.

September 4, 2009

I'm getting some final notes and websites in and documented in important and different files as adding these new websites to my blog. I feel that I'll finish with these notes by Monday and start on my Literature Review on Tuesday.

September 1, 2009

Today I'm starting my Senior year at school. While we were on our summer break i was volunteering at the Veterans Leadership Program of Western PA. I worked and talked with many veterans, they told me many stories and tales about what they did while they were in service in the US military. Now I'm back at school and doing/working on my graduation project once again.