October 15, 2009

On the 29th of October I'm gonna volunteer at the Gala at Carnegie music hall in Oakland. I will be taking pictures of both me volunteering and what happens at the Gala.

First, I got to do is ask Mr. Duty for a permission slip so I can borrow a camera for the 29th

Second (which is a little more crazy), ask my teachers if I "skip" school so I can help set up for the Gala and be exempt from all the work in that day. (I highly doubt it)

Third, find someone I can trust to take the pictures of me volunteering, I can always have one of my friends at the Veterans Leadership Program (VLP) to help me with that.

Finally forth, dress up in my suit and tie for that day so I can leave from school to Oakland so I can help with as much as possible.

October 7, 2009

I've finished my first draft of my Literacy review with self and peer edits.

= D